iPhone error "Cannot verify server identity 'outlook.office365.com'" behind ATP100

ChipConnJohn Posts: 44  Freshman Member
First Anniversary 10 Comments Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula
Hello All,

I started getting a pop-up on my iPhone today.

Cannot Verify Server Identity
The identity of "outlook.office365.com" cannot be verified.

When I click Details on the error I see:
issued by Amazon RSA 2048 M01

I can't find any app that isn't actually updating.  I think it's the iOS Mail App that's causing the pop-up as when I'm behind the ATP100 I see an Account Error at the bottom.  This goes away if I use cellular.  Either way the email is getting updated, however.

Any ideas why the ATP100 is getting in the way of verifying this certificate?


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