Long-term, Long-distance Network Keeps Kyrgyzstan Gas Stations Going Strong

Zyxel_May Posts: 154  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Fourth Anniversary

Kyrgyzstan Gas Station



With gas stations nationwide, the management was facing network reliability issues. The long distances between stations and their outdated communication infrastructure meant critical information, like for sales and remaining stock, was getting to headquarters late and sometimes with distorted data. It turned to Zyxel Networks’ local partner, Loctech.kg, to connect all stations with the headquarter 24/7 via high-speed channels utilizing equipment that met the latest quality and security standards.

Several major global manufacturers took part in the tender. The integrator tested each of the samples in real conditions – namely, on patchy communication lines –and Zyxel’s came out on top. “The customer looked not only at the direct costs of equipment and implementation but also the cost of ownership over the long run,” Loctech.kg PM Andrey Pivovarov explains. “Zyxel’s VPN firewall showed a superior MTBF than other manufacturers' equipment." In one case, he said, Zyxel’s product cost only 20% more and could be used for three times longer due to its premium electronic components and high-quality assembly.

With its branches and headquarter now enjoying reliable, real-time communication, the company has recognized Zyxel as a trusted partner and already tapped it for all its IT projects moving forward.


  • Resolve poor data communication leading to delayed data transfer from branches to the head office
  • Design project using affordable equipment with long-term durability


  • Reliable infrastructure ensures smooth business operations for branches and secure, high-speed data transfer with HQ
  • Affordable, long-lasting solution delivers competitive cost of ownership

Products used

USG20-VPN Business Firewall

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