USG20W-VPN Firmware Migration from 4.25 to 5.35

SierraTech Posts: 48  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary

I recall upgrading somewhere FW around 4.31 or 4.33 where I got locked out of our USG20W-VPN, after updating FW.

I need to update customer's from 4.25 to 5.35 (and maintain configuration migration) without messing with existing configuration (including Port Forwards & VPN settings), or getting locked out.

I captured the article below that details FW migration, and I want to confirm this is still valid (article stops at 4.60). I have copies of most of the Firmwares, but I need to do this on a Saturday so I won't interfere with business operations.

I want to make sure this is done correctly so I don't have to do a system reset or use console to recover. I read other migration articles but some say you don't have to do interim upgrades (as detailed from article below):

Version 4.25 -> first upgrade to 4.32
Version 4.32 -> first upgrade to 4.33
Version 4.33 -> first upgrade to 4.35
Version 4.35 -> upgrade to 4.60

Can someone steer me in the correct direction. I am personally running 5.35, and it appears to be as stable as 4.65.


All Replies

  • SierraTech
    SierraTech Posts: 48  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    edited March 2023

    I have also read the following:

    The latest upgrade says "If the firewall running with previous version then ZLD5.00, we recommended
    upgrade to ZLD5.10 C0 or later version to Standby partition first before upgrading to ZLD5.31"

    I jumped to 5.31 in Standby direct from 4.65, because I never saw this prior. When switching to 5.31 I had WiFi Calling issues so I reverted to 4.65.

    I have since updated Standby to 5.35 overwriting 5.31, and switched about a month ago and it has been performing well (Reference WiFi Calling).

    Just curious, why was 5.10 recommended before updating to a later version? I don't have a copy of 5.10 to migrte my client's USG20W-VPN.

    Thanks, I want to have a plan so my update plan works without issues!

  • Zyxel_Stanley
    Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Hi @SierraTech
    The new firmware is designed to be compatible with configurations from older firmware versions. This means that you can apply configurations from previous versions without any issues.

    You can backup confoguration to your PC first, and apply configuration again after Firewall upgrading firmware completely.

  • SierraTech
    SierraTech Posts: 48  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary


    Well that really simplifies things, if I can jump directly from 4.25 to 5.35! I always backup confirigurations to a PC before flashing. This is a huge time saver!

    »You can backup confoguration to your PC first, and apply configuration again after Firewall upgrading firmware completely.«

    I assume once I reboot Router from Standby (4.25) to (5.35 partition), it will automatically migrate the existing configuration, correct?

    Sorry for the TYPO in my original message:

    I have since updated Standby to 4.65 overwriting 5.31, and switched about a month ago and it has been performing well.

    I should have written, "I updated 5.31 in Standby to 5.35, and switched a month ago (from 4.65) and it has been performing well, reference not blocking WiFi Calling"!

    Sorry for the confusion!
