Fail over without NAT


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  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,633  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited May 2023

    As show above the ping check options would be like in USG should be simple to code.

    My only option when internet goes down but gateway is up is to add a discard the packet for ARP on ports 21-22 but if their was a ping check in the switch that the rule can then enable on fail it would all be automatic.

    OR if windows was to fail over I wouldn't need this but I do I'm looking to upgrade to a 10Gb 24/28 port switch in the next year to have this option should Zyxel do a switch like that and slim depth.

    If you like the idea you can vote for it here thanks