zywall 310 vs usg310 difference ?

whats the difference between those 2 models ? are they the same device ? whats the difference in general with usg and zywall series ?


Accepted Solution

  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,409  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
    Answer ✓

    Hi asiawatcher

    For the software function, both series have the same feature set. The only difference between USG and ZyWALL series is that USG is default bundled one year license with better price. If you need UTM features, USG is more recommended than ZyWALL series.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,409  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
    Answer ✓

    Hi asiawatcher

    For the software function, both series have the same feature set. The only difference between USG and ZyWALL series is that USG is default bundled one year license with better price. If you need UTM features, USG is more recommended than ZyWALL series.