What is VPN?

Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
edited May 2023 in Other Topics

Businesses from small to large all need to get ready for the growing demands of an increasingly mobile workforce and expanding distributed work sites, to compete in today’s global market place. Secure remote access has become an imperative to business success.

ZyXEL VPN Clients offer a flexibly easy-to-use, easy-to-manage Virtual Private Network (VPN) solution that provides mobile and distributed users with secure, speed and reliable remote access back to corporate resources. ZyXEL VPN Client works with ZyXEL security appliances using powerful deep packet inspection technology to scan VPN traffic for malicious threats, worms, Trojans and spyware from remote company employees.


SSL VPN (SecuExtender)

SecuExtender, the ZyXEL SSL VPN technology, works on both Windows and Mac operating systems. For Windows users, SecuExtender is free from pre-installation of a fat VPN client. ZyXEL security appliances will push VPN client and launch auto-installation while user logs in web-based authentication portal. For Mac users, a lite VPN software is provided to set up secured VPN connection.



The ZyXEL IPSec VPN Client is designed an easy 3-step configuration wizard to help remote employees to create VPN connections quicker than ever. The ZyXEL IPSec VPN client also ensures easy scale-up by storing a unique duplicable file of configuration and parameters. Moreover, VPN configurations and security elements (certificates and pre-shared key, etc.) can be saved on a USB disk in order to remove authentication information from the computer. It's very easy for administrators to control and manage the deployment and security options.