Port Based VLAN is not working.



  • Zyxel_JonasTan
    Zyxel_JonasTan Posts: 98  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited October 2018

    First, I would like to simply explain Load Factory Default feature to prevent some misunderstanding.
    Using Load Factory Default will have the switch all configuration back to default.

    Example via telnet:

    Note: Factory default feature behavior is same as erase-running configuration, but it will not save the configuration.

    May I know which of the following problem you are encountering:
    1. Telnet & SSH disabled then use Load factory default via WebGUI > the configuration still exists.
    2. Telnet & SSH disabled then use Load factory default via WebGUI > Telnet/SSH become enable (normal because the switch back to default configuration)

    If you encountered the first one, I'll PM you to retrieve more detail information for testing.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,642  Guru Member
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    edited October 2018

    Yes 1 I'm saying I clicked Load Factory Default then yes and it did not do anything.

    Here is a old config file for testing

    use port 1

    In any case the main reason is solved this is just a side thing so maybe you be able to find what stops the Load Factory Default from working with my old config file  . You may also find what stops the switching to Port Based VLAN from working right with my old config file on 802.1Q VLAN.


  • Zyxel_JonasTan
    Zyxel_JonasTan Posts: 98  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    I've already downloaded the configuration file.
    Because of security concern I'd deleted the configuration file on the public forum.

    I've tried to duplicate the "Load Factory Default" using your configuration file, but the result is normal.
    I'll PM to you my recorded video about the procedure and result.

    For the port based VLAN, I could successfully switch to 802.1Q & port-based VLAN normally using your configuration file. And the behavior is working fine also.
    After changing to port-based VLAN, all VLAN will be on VLAN 1 and without double packet.
    Then if you change to 802.1Q, due to PC1 & PC2 PVIDs are configured with different VLAN which is VLAN 13 & 14. In this situation, the incoming packets from ZyWALL110 (VLAN 15) don't know where the destination is so it will flood the packet. Therefore you will see a double packet which is normal.

    Best Regards,
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,642  Guru Member
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    well don't no then if you can't duplicate what I had then we leave it at that then.
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,642  Guru Member
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    The switch is behaving itself now as I did a test on it and it is doing the Load Factory Default correctly with my config.

    But when I couldn't Load Factory Default I really could not back when I posted thats the only reason I said “And on another note if you have Telnet or SSH disabled you can't do a Factory Default!” so thanks for testing but this is mystery why it happened.

  • Zyxel_JonasTan
    Zyxel_JonasTan Posts: 98  Zyxel Employee
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Very appreciate for the test.
    We've also tried to duplicate the event using your configuration but the result is normal.

    In case you have replicated the event again, please feel free to let us know and provide the specific procedure to us.

    Best Regards,