Indian University Gets High-Speed Internet Connectivity Across the Campus

Zyxel_May Posts: 175  Zyxel Employee
First Comment Fourth Anniversary

Agricultural University



The university wanted to build a new network infrastructure, hence they were looking for a solution provider they could rely on. They are required to provide wired connectivity to different department users and wireless connectivity to their students across the premises. After multiple PoCs from different vendors, they put their trust in Zyxel and decided to deploy our solution. Zyxel, being a brand to look after its customers, managed to deliver a meet-the-requirement solution that included a core switch, a network switch, multiple PoE switches, and wireless access points to the university.

Our XGS3700-24 switch acted as a DHCP server for all the VLANs whilst the GS2210-24 switch served as the center point for the latency-proof wired network. Our WAC6103D-I access point, powered by GS1900-10HP switches, could ensure continuous connectivity to offer a smooth and uninterrupted wireless experience to the wireless users. The university’s management was more than satisfied with the stable wireless connectivity across the campus and the simplified wired network deployment from Zyxel’s solution. The solution also helped to provide an isolated network environment for each department to ensure secure communication.


  • Ensure smooth and uninterrupted wireless connectivity
  • Begin running VLANs and DHCP servers for each department
  • Ensure secure communication across the whole campus


  • Fast, secure, and uninterrupted wireless connectivity across the entire campus
  • The core switch saves extra cost and effort for DHCP Server
  • Low latency wired connectivity for each department

Products Used

XGS3700-24 L3 Access Switch

GS2210-24 L2 Managed Switch

GS1900-10HP Smart Managed PoE Switch

WAC6103D-I 802.11ac Access Point

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