Implement Split Tunnel on Windows Client

Zyxel_Kevin Posts: 903  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 500 Comments
edited July 2023 in VPN


By default, when using the L2TP service, clients will go through a Full Tunnel. However, In certain situations, you may not want all traffic to go through the VPN tunnel


1)Find the L2TP profiles in Control Panel->Network and Internet->Network Connections. Right-click it and go to properties > Networking > IPv4 > Properties > advanced to uncheck “Use default gateway on remote network” and uncheck “Use default gateway on remote network”

2)Open powershell and perform the following command:

Add-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "Your VPN profile name" -DestinationPrefix "X.X.X.X/X” -PassThru

For example: You VPN profile name is “Zyxel_Win_612”, Destination subnet:

Please perform:

Add-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "Zyxel_Win_612" -DestinationPrefix "" –PassThru

If you’d like to remove it.
Remove-VpnConnectionRoute -ConnectionName "Zyxel_Win_612" -DestinationPrefix "" –PassThru
Note: You can use route add command as well, but you need to know your client address before you added it.
