How to fix the issue when device Web GUI is unable to access

Zyxel_Cooldia Posts: 1,518  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
edited June 2023 in Maintenance

Somehow, I am unable to access the web GUI of my FLEX/ATP, and the device reboots periodically. Connected serial console to FLEX/ATP, it indicated that httpd is dead, and App watch dog is trying to recover it.

What could be the reason that httpd is dead and what should I do for now?

Console log

It is because the default certificate of the device corrupts, and the certificate cannot be loaded via http server. When the httpd cannot be recovered by application watchdog in 3 times, the USG will reboot by itself.

In this case, we can regenerate device default certificate by using “Router> debug _ca regenerate”.

After the default certificate is generated, the httpd is recovered by App watch dog and Web GUI is back.

You also can use CLI “Router> debug system ps| match "httpd" to check the httpd status.