New USG60W - very slow 2,4 & 5 Ghz wireless speed, only 24 Mbps

Harska Posts: 11  Freshman Member
First Comment Second Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
Yesterday I bought a brand new USG60W, installed the latest firmware,
and configured the very basic settings, using the Initial setup wizard,
and WiFi and Guest wizard. Everything is in default settings, minimal config.

The router works fine, but the wireless speed is extremely low, Download only 24 Mbps, Upload 70 Mbps

This is a 300/100 Fiber connection and the previous router gave easily
150/100 Mbps over 5 Ghz wireless connection

The router is very close, the range strength is at max level, wireless
dapter shows 300 Mbps, so there is no objects in the wireless path.
BandWidthManagement is also in use, made only marginal affect.

Firmware: V4.32(AAKZ.0)


Why is the router so slow ?
What settings affect the wireless speed ?
What options there is to fix this ?

At the moment the fiber net capacity is totally unacceptable;
its like the 15 years old ADSL-router. I will have to return the
router if there is no way to fix this..

Using the same router with gigabit 1000Cat wired cable gives close to normal testresults,
so the config, and network is OK, which means the problem is related to wireless

During the Speedtest the USG60W CPU load to 99-100%, so the router is reaching its max limit already with 300/100 Mbps fiber connection

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,405  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

    Hi @Harska,


    Here is our official test report for your reference.

    We test is in shielded room using IxChariot.

    SpeedTest is not used for the official test report because many factors will affect the throughput such as the test PC, the topology and test tool.

    That’s why the official test report is measured by IxChariot in shielded room.



    Firmware: 4.32(AAKZ.0)


    CH100/104 (20/40MHz)

    WPA2-PSK (AES) 4Tx: 188, CPU: 75%

    WPA2-PSK (AES) 4Rx: 197, CPU: 100%


    I also run some tests in our office (not shielded room) using SpeedTest.

    Firmware: 4.32(AAKZ.0)

    Disable 2.4G. Only 5G is enabled.


    ISP- 300Mbps

    Use iPhone, Windows 10 and Windows 7 to connect to SSID of USG60W to run the throughput.

    iPhone (iOS 10.3.3): D/U: 53/67.3 Mbps

    Windows 10: D/U: 79/59 Mbps

    Windows 7: D/U: 58/60 Mbps

  • Zyxel_Emily
    Zyxel_Emily Posts: 1,405  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments

    Since your test result is different with mine, I'd like to check if it is caused by the configuration file or the test environment. I will send you a private message later to get more information.