1:1 Nat or Virtual Server

Jeff_ATS Posts: 10
First Anniversary First Comment

I cannot get this to work. My WAN address is (300.1.1.1) obviously not real. But I need to connect to a Mesenger Server in my LAN with an address of utilizing ports 14121n 14122 and 14123. I have created the following, but cannot get it to work. I have disabled the Windows 10 Firewall to test on the device.

Accepted Solution

  • Jeff_ATS
    Jeff_ATS Posts: 10
    First Anniversary First Comment
    Answer ✓

    The issue has been resolved using Virtual Server and I had to uncheck NAAAAAAT loopback.

    Thank you all

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    edited July 2023

    Its Virtual Server you need but I don't think it will help.

    Can you packet capture the WAN when the outside connects to those ports like GRC port scan test


  • smb_corp_user
    smb_corp_user Posts: 163  Master Member
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector

    Good advice there from PeterUK.

    Just suggesting, even though it might not be necessary:

    Have you checked if UDP packet traffic is needed in your scenario? Or are most UDP ports open in your network between source and target?

  • MJStar
    MJStar Posts: 36  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Agree with smb_corp_user, you could try to use Virtual Server to obtain the goal.

  • DeanH
    DeanH Posts: 47  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments

    Agreed with the others, use virtual server. Also, uncheck NAT loopback. I've had some issues with that being checked before - not sure why - so I always uncheck it now.

  • Jeff_ATS
    Jeff_ATS Posts: 10
    First Anniversary First Comment
    Answer ✓

    The issue has been resolved using Virtual Server and I had to uncheck NAAAAAAT loopback.

    Thank you all

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