Dual WAN IIS Setup


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  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,643  Guru Member
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    edited June 2024

    if I am doing SMTP — would I change 80 to 25? or have a group of both?

    so in your case 25

    Is what your wanting to do that when WAN1 fail for WAN2 NAT to port 25 to have that service go out WAN2?

    The idea is the first rule takes the source port 25 to go out WAN1 that when ping fails the next rule takes the source port 25 to WAN2 but this mean NAT from WAN2 to port 25 will fail until WAN1 fails

    But maybe if the server for port 25 has two IP's and that you NAT port 25 on WAN1 to and NAT port 25 on WAN2 to with the routing rule by source IP might work? I would think when traffic comes in to a given IP the system uses the correct IP back out?

  • EdC
    EdC Posts: 9
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    Still doesn't work. Interestingly enough, I can trace the response from the Exchange Server and it is clearly Internal IP to Remote IP. The Zyxel properly translates this to the Public IP (the correct one) but then sends it to the wrong WAN interface. I added a Policy Rule that says for any source address of the Public IP, send it out WAN2… but that rule must get processed BEFORE the Address Translation…. What I need to do I guess is tell the Xyxel that any address AFTER Address Translation that matches the WAN2 Public IP needs to go out WAN2…

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,643  Guru Member
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    edited June 2024

    Did a test setup here with Zywall 110 by Virtual Server NAT and how I said with routing rules it worked out fine

  • EdC
    EdC Posts: 9
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    Peter — first off, thanks for the assist.

    Failover when WAN1 fails works like a charm. But I want the two addresses (one from each ISP's bank of 5 Static/Public IPs) to both be live as I run Active/Active. So if an SMTP SYN comes in on WAN1 to IP 63.x.x.x:25 it should go to the internal 192.168.x.x SMTP Server. And if an SMTP SYN comes in on WAN2 to IP 104.x.x.x:25 it should also to the internal 192.168.x.x SMTP Server. That all works just fine.

    Outbound is problematic - when the SMTP Server responds back with the SYN,Ack it goes fine to the Xyzel. All good at this point. And the Zyxel takes and SNAT knows where it came from and converts the outgoing packet Source to be the proper Public IP that is came is as (104.x.x.x or 63.x.x.x)… That much works, again, just like it is supposed to.

    But then is seems to forget which WAN it came in on. And sends them all to WAN1. If it came in on WAN1 to 63.x.x.x, it goes out WAN1 as 63.x.x.x. and it all connects and works. However, if it came in on WAN2 to 104.x.x.x, it goes back out on WAN1 as 104.x.x.x which ends up going nowhere.

    In essence, the Source address translation is properly 'sticky' but the WAN port is not. If it remembered the inbound WAN port, it will all work perfectly…

    Thanks again for the help….

  • EdC
    EdC Posts: 9
    First Comment First Anniversary

    Oh, btw, I use 1:1 NAT for the server — should I be using Many 1:1 NAT or Virtual Server? Would that help?

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,643  Guru Member
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    edited June 2024

    Yes…I see the problem now it does what you say that when WAN1 ARP fails it followers the NAT rule order yes when both WAN's are on line it follows what WAN it come in on to go out on…it like it knows a WAN has failed but then follows the NAT rule order causing the WAN that is online to come in but try to go out the failed WAN…

    and this problem must be on a lot of models not sure about H one

    let me try some stuff to work around it…

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,643  Guru Member
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    edited June 2024

    So their is a problem that needs looking in too

    But a fix is what I said for port 25 for the server to have two IP's and that you NAT port 25 on WAN1 to and NAT port 25 on WAN2 to this way it will work when WAN1 fails ARP

  • EdC
    EdC Posts: 9
    First Comment First Anniversary

    i think you are right… have to dual home the server so that it all stays straight…. Let me try that..