What is the purpose of Nebula IPTV Report, and how can I access it?

Zyxel_Kay Posts: 1,280  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

Nebula IPTV Report is a monitoring tool that provides insights into the status of the IPTV network, including channel utilization, alerts, multicast groups, and client statistics. You can access it at Site-wide > Monitor > Switches > IPTV Report. However, make sure IGMP snooping is enabled, and there is multicast traffic going through the switch devices for the report to work.
