[ATP/FLEX] How to block Web-Proxy on Nebula

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,285  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited August 2023 in Security Service

The user might use the Web-Proxy tool(such as steganos) to bypass Content Filter's category inspection. This article will guide you on how to use security policies to block this behavior.

Configuration steps:

Navigate to Configure > Firewall > Security policy to set the Action set to Deny and configure the Web-Proxy URLs that you would like to block on the Destination field. This will allow you to effectively block those Web-Proxy URLs.

Furthermore, you can utilize the DNS/URL Threat Filter to prevent access to Proxy-related websites through the Anonymizers category or by adding the URL to the block list.

Test Result

Attempt access to the Web-Proxy URL will result in an inability to connect.

To verify this, navigate to Site-wide> Monitor > Firewall > Event log. You will observe dropped logs generated by the security policy.

Blocked by the DNS/URL Threat Filter.

The event log indicates that.

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