Station: deauthenticated by key handshake fail

itcrt Posts: 19  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary
edited May 2024 in Wireless

Hello, I have a problem after the updates NWA90AX
why everyone began to be disconnected from wifi.
What could be the problem? The latest updates have been delivered, this was not the case before.

2023-08-18 15:29:54  Station RoamingSTA roamed, MAC:18:56:80:54:26:C1, From:, To: , SSID:.2023-08-18 15:29:53  Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 connected on Channel: 13, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -86dBm, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:29:53Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 disconnected by STA Leave(L2UPFrame) on Channel: 2, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -77dBm, Download/Upload: 0/0 Bytes, reason 3, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:29:40 Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 disconnected by STA Leave(L2UPFrame) on Channel: 13, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -76dBm, Download/Upload: 357911/111540 Bytes, reason 106, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:29:40Station RoamingSTA roamed, MAC:18:56:80:54:26:C1, From: , To:, SSID:.2023-08-18 15:29:40Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 connected on Channel: 2, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -77dBm. Interface:wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:28:152.poschodieWireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 disconnected by STA Leave(L2UPFrame) on Channel: 5, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -83dBm, Download/Upload: 25184376/486469 Bytes, reason 106, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:28:15 Station RoamingSTA roamed, MAC:18:56:80:54:26:C1, From:2.poschodie, To: , SSID:.2023-08-18 15:28:15 Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 connected on Channel: 13, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -78dBm, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:592.poschodieWireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 connected on Channel: 5, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -85dBm, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:59Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 disconnected by STA Leave(L2UPFrame) on Channel: 2, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -76dBm, Download/Upload: 0/0 Bytes, reason 3, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:40Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 connected on Channel: 2, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -76dBm. Interface:wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:36Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 left on Channel: 2, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -78dBm, Download/Upload: 0/0 Bytes, reason 1, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:35Wireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 connected on Channel: 2, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -78dBm. Interface:wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:35Station RoamingSTA roamed, MAC:18:56:80:54:26:C1, From:, To:, SSID:.2023-08-18 15:25:352.poschodieWireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 disconnected by key handshake fail on Channel: 5, SSID: , 2.4GHz, Signal: -84dBm, Download/Upload: 103990/52382 Bytes, reason 2, Interface: wlan-1-32023-08-18 15:25:352.poschodieWireless LANStation: 18:56:80:54:26:c1 deauthenticated by key handshake fail

All Replies

  • Agree having similar issues on iOS devices.

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,938  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula

    Hi @itcrt ,

    Upon analyzing your event log, we discovered key handshake failures and roaming symptoms associated with poor signal strength, ranging from -86dBm to -76dBm.

    We recommend positioning client devices closer to the Access Point (AP) or adjusting the deployment of your AP to ensure a better signal. For optimal performance, the client connection signal should ideally be at -70dBm or above.

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,938  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula

    Hi @plimlico24 ,

    Please refer to this FAQ to know how to resolve the "key handshake fail" issue and tell us if there is any update.

  • KDog
    KDog Posts: 1
    First Comment

    Hi, I have the same issue with my NWA55AXE unit. I've followed the troubleshooting guide and it's not helped. I've enabled Zyxel as an administrator for my account, but I can't find anywhere to send you the name of my organisation, could you please advise how to do that?

  • Zyxel_Judy
    Zyxel_Judy Posts: 1,938  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Nebula Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Nebula

    Hi @KDog ,

    Please click to my account > Message to provide us with detailed information. We would appreciate it if you could include the following:

    • Organization/ site name
    • Whether the issue affects all clients or specific clients, along with the client's MAC address.
    • Whether the issue is present on all SSIDs or specific SSIDs, and the name of the affected SSID.
    • The AP where the issue is occurring.
    • The time the client has been connected to the problematic AP.