CA Certificate for SSL VPN on USG 310

Is there a step by step tutorial how to set import an SSL cert from a CA given the following:

  • SSL VPN is working, clients are connecting
  • Port is (just an example): 8888
  • Clients use SecuExtender
  • I already have a registered and used for port 443. I also have working CA cert for the
  • Do I need to register another domain, say:, and obtain a separate cert for it, or would the import of it to USG 310 work?


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  • Zyxel_Jeff
    Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,284  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

    Hi @DeeZed

    Thank you for inquiring about this question. You don't need to register another domain to address your USG 310; you can still use to address it. When you want to establish the SSL VPN connection, you can input the domain name(, username, and password.


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