[FLEX/ATP]Why does UTM feature on USG sometimes not work as expected?

Zyxel_Cooldia Posts: 1,518  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Sales Associate 100 Answers 1000 Comments
edited December 2023 in Security Service


During working hours, sometimes we can access web sites which are not allow to access based on the profile of content filter. The content filter doesn’t seem to work. Moreover, Anti-virus also does not work at the same time.

Why does UTM feature on USG sometimes not work as expected?


The device goes into "Memory conserve mode" to bypass UTM feature when memory is running out.
By default, Memory conserve mode is on.
When the device enters conserve mode, the UTM bypass is activated to recover memory space.
When enough memory is recovered, the device is leaving the conserve mode to turn on UTM feature.

You can adjust thresholds to define enter and leave conserve mode depending on the amount of free memory.
Router(config)# mem-conserve utm-bypass rising-threshold xxx
The CLI above defines a value to enter memory conserve mode. The UTM feature is off when memory is less than rising-threshold.
Router(config)# mem-conserve utm-bypass falling-threshold xxxx
The CLI above defines a value to exit memory conserve mode. The UTM feature is on when memory is greater than falling-threshold.
Router> show mem-conserve status
Check if the device is in conserve mode.

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