[ATP/FLEX] How to use CDR to block the client who accesses malicious websites?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,306  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited December 2023 in Security Service

Scenario :

The network administrator may want to block the client who accesses malicious websites. This article will use CDR(Collaborative detection & response) to achieve this goal.

Answer :

Please navigate to Site-wide > Configure > Collaborative detection & response and set the category Web Threats, Occurrence: 3, Duration (Minutes): 30, Containment: Block.

Once the client's IP is detected accessing the suspicious websites 3 times within 30 minutes, it will be blocked, as below example event logs:

As shown below, the client is blocked and the message 'Limited Network Access!' appears.