Zywall 110 and HomeKit using multiple LANs

rookierunner Posts: 23  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

I have two networks defined on my Zywall 110:

Port 4 - LAN1 (main network) [10.10.10.x]
Port 5 - LAN2 (IoT network) [192.168.1.x]

I have my Apple HomePod mini on LAN1 and have my smart outlets on LAN2. What are the settings and firewall rules that need to be in place for me to control the smart outlets from the Home app on my phone on LAN1? I can add the smart outlets to LAN2 and get them to appear in the Home app; however, they go into "No Response" status and I cannot control them.

Both LAN1 and LAN2 have wireless routers set in bridge mode to act as wireless access points.

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,581  Guru Member
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    Smart outlets go to the cloud which your app goes to the cloud to control them without you needing to connect to them directly as long as LAN1 and LAN2 have internet access it should just work.

  • rookierunner
    rookierunner Posts: 23  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    Both LAN1 and LAN2 have internet access but still doesn't work.

    I may not have explained what I am trying to do well enough. In order to control the outlets from the Apple Home app, they need to be added to an Apple hub, which in my case is the HomePod. From what I've read and researched, the outlets and HomePod do talk to each other directly without going to the cloud. And I see that happen initially when I first add the outlets to the Home app but then it immediately becomes unresponsive.

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,581  Guru Member
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    edited January 2024

    Can't really help you with apple stuff as I'm android but setup with the phone, hub and smart outlets on the same network should just work.

  • rookierunner
    rookierunner Posts: 23  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    Thanks, PeterUK. It does work when everything is on the same network, unfortunately, that is not the configuration I want.

    I am trying to configure it across two networks: (1) the phone and hub on LAN1and (2) the smart outlets on LAN2. LAN1 and LAN2 are separate networks on separate ports of the Zywall 110.

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,581  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    This is where the cloud comes in to play unless you have a IP to the hub to then control smart outlets then its not possible which is what I think the hub is all about but maybe I'm wrong?

    If it was a simple case of LAN1 to LAN2 firewall rule that should be all thats needed.

  • rookierunner
    rookierunner Posts: 23  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary

    I think it is more of a routing thing (mDNS or IGMP) than a firewall rule issue as I have tested with allowing all traffic between LAN1 and LAN2 and that didn’t help. I’ve done some packet captures and trying to decipher them with WireShark but I am not a network engineer so I don’t exactly know what I am looking for in the captures.