[Release Note] Small Business Access Point - V6.29 Patch 4 firmware has been released

Zyxel_Melen Posts: 3,057  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

Access Points Firmware Release Note 

January 2024


This document provides firmware release information on Zyxel Access Points platforms, introduce new Access Points, new features and enhancements, bug fix, known issues and workarounds information for Release V6.29 Patch 4 C0.

Supported Platforms

(Click Hyperlink to download the firmware directly)

Zyxel NWA50AX - V6.29(ABYW.4)C0

Zyxel NWA55AXE - V6.29(ABZL.4)C0

Zyxel NWA90AX - V6.29(ACCV.4)C0

New Features and Enhancements

1. Elevate Wizard and UX for a more enhanced and user-friendly interface in standalone mode. 

2. [Vulnerability] Improper privilege management and uncontrolled resource consumption in ZLD. 

3. [Vulnerability] Multiple vulnerabilities in ZLD.

Bug Fix


Known Issue

C=Cloud mode, M=Managed, S=Standalone mode

Known IssueCMS
1. [eITS: 221001752] [Symptom] The log cannot display expected wording while STA disconnected by SSID schedule.V--
2. [eITS: 231000132] [Symptom] The information of password configuration path on Nebula is not correct showing in AP local login page .V--
3. [eITS: 230901349] [Symptom] AP some configurations may disappear due to power off the device while device is applying or writing the configuration and this is rare to happen.V-V
4. [SPRID: 230905066] [Symptom] Wireless client show rx rate 6M even it uses higher rate.V-V
5. [SPRID: 230922270] [Symptom] Wireless bridge repeater AP uplink port connect to other device may have LLDP issue. Known Issue Cloud Managed StandaloneV-V
6. [SPRID: 230922271] [Symptom] Repeater AP should blink light blue LED while searching the available uplink AP.V-V
7. [SPRID: 231019190] [Symptom] Wizard can't pop out automatically when upgrade to this new version with default setting. Reset to default can solve this issue.--V
8. [Symptom] TWT is temporarily disabled due to a compatibility issue with specific WiFi clients.V-V

Limitation of Settings


Zyxel Melen