VPN solution required

EB91 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Security
Good morning @all from Germany,

I have a question regarding a VPN solution for my companies zyxel USG110.

Our server (W2012R2) and the first USG110 are located in city "A". The second USG110 is located in city "B".
I am the administrator of both firewalls and the server, my office is located in city "B". Now I have to find a solution for a VPN connection from my home to my company (the reason is "home office"). I just want to make sure that I made everything correct and set the required settings in a right way before I am at home and try to connect my companies network.

These are the things I have done:

1. Created a new VPN gateway and a user for this one with name and personal password.
- enabled the gateway, its activated
- IKEv1
- for "My address", I choose "lan1". lan1 is configured with the ip adress of the USG110 in city "B".
Is it correct or should I set a "Domain name /IPv4"?
- Dynamic address
- a PSK is set
- there are two more advanced options for "local ID type" and "Peer ID Type", I am able to select "IPv4, DNS or e-mail". What should be the correct setting?

2. Created a new VPN Connection
- enabled it, its activated
- Remote Access (Server Role)
- chosen VPN gateway: The one from above. Unfortunately, it displays me "lan1,"
I think it is not correct, isnt it?
- what should I chosse from the dropdown menu at "local policy"? Should I create a new one or should I set an excisting option?

I am very grateful for every answer which can help me in this case.

Thanks and regards,


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All Replies

  • EB91
    EB91 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Additional information, sorry for that:

    Every change I did was made at City "B" USG110.
  • Ian31
    Ian31 Posts: 174  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    So both USG110 is locate at office in different location ?
    Any VPN connected between USG110 now ?
    What's the VPN client on your home ?
    Which office you want to connect to ?

  • EB91
    EB91 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    edited December 2018
    Thanks for you answer!

    - correct, a USG110 in location A and the other one in location B (both in germany)
    - between these two firewalls is an excisting vpn connection to each other, thats all
    - i dont have any vpn client yet at home, at first i want to make sure that anything is set correct.

    I want to connect to location A where our server and NAS is located but I dont know if it is enough to connect to my office (Location B ) or wether it is neccesary to create a vpn at location A as well.

    Configuration at the moment:

    Location B (my office) -> USG110 -> VPN tunnel -> USG110 -> location A (office where the server ist located).


    FritzBox (home office) -> Location B -> USG110 -> VPN tunnel -> USG110 -> location A (office where the server ist located).

  • EB91
    EB91 Posts: 4  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    thanks for the reply and the information! You helped me a lot, I will check everything with my colleague!

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