Info problem with sending logs to zyxel vpn100 email

Good morning, I have a Zyxel VPN 100 firewall product and since this morning I have no longer received the email containing the various logs. How can I solve it? The configurations are all correct and no firmware update has been done. I await feedback.

Thank you,

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,540  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Maybe the Email server has likely changed? and is now blocking your logs?

    Or do you have your own Email server?

  • My server is always the same, that is Suddenly he's not sending them. I did a smpt sending test and it regularly sends manually, but not automatically.

  • I re-entered the smpt configuration including account and password and now I received a log. I'll wait until after the weekend to see the result but if it continues like this it will work. Will update. Thank you!