Stuck with Vendor-ID-based-VLAN

I think what I am trying to do is not too complicated but I am stuck at a 90% mark

I want to have ports splitting what comes in on its ports from the default VLAN 1 (which has a DHCP server) to VLAN 400 based on the Vendor Mac. From the MAC tables, I have what appears to work but there is no communication between devices on the Vendor vlan (its Dante)

Right now this is the config

Firmware Version = V4.70(ABPI.5) | 10/25/2022
no cloud center discovery
vlan 1
name 1
normal ""
fixed 1-6
forbidden ""
untagged 1-6
ip address default-management dhcp-bootp
vlan 400
name Dante
normal 1-6
fixed ""
forbidden ""
untagged 1-6
interface vlan 1
ipv6 address autoconfig
ipv6 address dhcp client ia-naexit
interface vlan 400
ipv6 address autoconfig
timesync server
timesync ntp
pwr mode consumption
vendor-id-based-vlan name "" source-mac 00:1d:c1:00:00:00 mask ff:ff:ff:00:00:00 vlan 400 priority 3
mac-based-vlan name DM3DanteCntrl source-mac ac:44:f2:a2:c3:38 vlan 400 priority 4
wizard ignore

What happens is that the devices get split as expected and comms on vlan 1 are as expected. Nothing happens on vlan 400 however. Devices can't talk to each other on 400, its like the vendor macs get split off correctly but end up in a no-mans land.

Mac table looks fine

GS1350# show mac address-table all
Port VLAN ID MAC Address Type1 400 00:1d:c1:25:38:00 Dynamic2 400 00:1d:c1:29:50:34 Dynamic5 1 28:76:10:14:b0:9a Dynamic5 1 88:53:95:2a:c6:5d Dynamic2 1 ac:44:f2:a2:c3:37 Dynamic2 400 ac:44:f2:a2:c3:38 Dynamic

The Number of VLAN : 2
Idx. VID Status Elap-Time TagCtl

 1     1     Static      0:16:32  Untagged :1-6
                                  Tagged   :

 2   400     Static      0:16:32  Untagged :
                                  Tagged   :


Any one able to advise on why my devices won't talk to each other? All pointers gratefully received

Best Answers

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi @dazey77,

    The vendor-ID-based-VLAN and MAC-based-VLAN configuration is correct. But you forgot to fix the uplink port. This causes your device not to get an IP address from the DHCP server and cannot communicate with each other.

    Please reference the below configuration, I used port 6 as the uplink port for example:

    GS1350(config)# vlan 400
    GS1350(config-vlan)# fixed 6
    GS1350(config-vlan)# no untagged 6

    Here's the VLAN table:

    GS1350# show vlan
    The Number of VLAN : 2
    Idx. VID Status Elap-Time TagCtl 1 1 Static 0:16:54 Untagged :1-6
    Tagged :

    2 400 Static 0:02:29 Untagged :
    Tagged :6

    In addition, if the device is VLAN-unaware, please configure this port with below configuration:

    GS1350(config)# vlan 400
    GS1350(config-vlan)# fixed 1
    GS1350(config-vlan)# untagged 1

    Hope it helps.

    P.S. Once the untagged packet's source MAC is matched with Vendor-ID-based-VLAN or MAC-based-VLAN, the switch will not add port VLAN ID(PVID) but the Vendor-ID-based-VLAN or MAC-based-VLAN ID to this packet. So, you don't need to change the PVID.

    Zyxel Melen

  • dazey77
    dazey77 Posts: 5
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Answer ✓

    Wow, that works! Thanks a lot for the help, was just the lines I was missing and I just couldn't get there myself!

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited January 2024 Answer ✓

    Hi @dazey77,

    The vendor-ID-based-VLAN and MAC-based-VLAN configuration is correct. But you forgot to fix the uplink port. This causes your device not to get an IP address from the DHCP server and cannot communicate with each other.

    Please reference the below configuration, I used port 6 as the uplink port for example:

    GS1350(config)# vlan 400
    GS1350(config-vlan)# fixed 6
    GS1350(config-vlan)# no untagged 6

    Here's the VLAN table:

    GS1350# show vlan
    The Number of VLAN : 2
    Idx. VID Status Elap-Time TagCtl 1 1 Static 0:16:54 Untagged :1-6
    Tagged :

    2 400 Static 0:02:29 Untagged :
    Tagged :6

    In addition, if the device is VLAN-unaware, please configure this port with below configuration:

    GS1350(config)# vlan 400
    GS1350(config-vlan)# fixed 1
    GS1350(config-vlan)# untagged 1

    Hope it helps.

    P.S. Once the untagged packet's source MAC is matched with Vendor-ID-based-VLAN or MAC-based-VLAN, the switch will not add port VLAN ID(PVID) but the Vendor-ID-based-VLAN or MAC-based-VLAN ID to this packet. So, you don't need to change the PVID.

    Zyxel Melen

  • dazey77
    dazey77 Posts: 5
    First Comment Friend Collector
    Answer ✓

    Wow, that works! Thanks a lot for the help, was just the lines I was missing and I just couldn't get there myself!

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,983  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hi @dazey77,

    It's happy to hear your problem has been solved.

    Since you mentioned you have Dante devices in your network, I would like to let you know that GS1350 is not quite suited for the Dante Network. We have some switch models that are suited for Networked AV applications which include Dante Netwok. You may reference the link below for more detailed information.

    Zyxel Melen