NebulaFlex Switch GS1350 Series - V4.90 Patch 1 Firmware Release

Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,775  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
edited March 2024 in Switch New Release

Zyxel Switch GS1350 Series Release Note 

March 2024

Firmware Version on all models

(Click Hyperlink to download the firmware directly)

Zyxel GS1350-6HP - V4.90(ABPI.1)C0

Zyxel GS1350-12HP - V4.90(ABPJ.1)C0

Zyxel GS1350-18HP - V4.90(ABPK.1)C0

Zyxel GS1350-26HP - V4.90(ABPL.1)C0

New Feature and Enhancements

1. [Standalone] Supports auto STP path cost which will determine path cost by the port's current link speed. 

2. [Standalone] Supports “Account Security” option on WEB GUI to encrypt admin/user account passwords and options to display user/AAA/SNMP credentials 

3. [Standalone] NCC discovery adds reminder to save configurations. 

4. [Standalone] Extend RADIUS server support range from IPv4 to IPv6. 

5. [Standalone] Enhance security by forcing users to change the password after first login. 

6. [Standalone] Enhance Auto PD recovery with a ping test button to verify connectivity. 

7. [Standalone] Enable Nebula Control Center Discovery by default setting. 

8. [Standalone] Add option 82 profile name in DHCP relay VLAN setting table 

9. [Standalone] Add note on cable diagnostics to inform the operating limits for local webgui. 

10. [Standalone][Nebula] The year of Time Range page starts with current system time. 

11. [Standalone][Nebula] The admin account can be changed, providing flexibility and security to the network management system. 

12. [Standalone][Nebula] Support user uses “” directly to access local web GUI. 

13. [Standalone][Nebula] Support public key authentication for SSH. 

14. [Standalone][Nebula] Support logs to indicate the cause of CPU high. 

15. [Standalone][Nebula] Strengthen user security with the encryption of Radius shared secret. 

16. [Standalone][Nebula] Strengthen security for network management with built-in notification in case of abnormal login attempt. 

17. [Standalone][Nebula] Renovate Web GUI layout for better usability of Switch management. 

18. [Standalone][Nebula] Remote management offers support for IPv6. 

19. [Standalone][Nebula] Log information for IP conflict between Switch and gateway both obtain the same IP address. 

20. [Standalone][Nebula] Intuitive Cloud connection status with help message. 

21. [Standalone][Nebula] Improve Dashboard's port link speed color display to enhance user experience and intuitiveness. 

22. [Standalone][Nebula] The login page will automatically redirect from HTTP to HTTPS to enhance network security. 

23. [Standalone][Nebula] Enhance security by supporting the ECDSA algorithm in SSH. 

24. [Standalone][Nebula] Disable Telnet feature by default setting 

25. [Standalone][Nebula] Allow SSH and CLI commands to be combined and display the command result directly. 

26. [Standalone][Nebula] Adding the Port Setup link when clicking switch port icon on the dashboard. 

27. [Nebula] Unlock local Web GUI for cloud mode. 

28. [Nebula] Unlock CLI to support full configuration in cloud mode. 

29. [Nebula] The interval time of Loop guard err-disable recovery can be configured now. 

30. [Nebula] Support Hardware monitor (CPU/Memory/Temperature). 

31. [Nebula] Support DHCP relay and added DHCP option 82 for DHCP relay. 

32. [Nebula] Support auto configuration recovery on Nebula to prevent loss connection with NCC by misconfiguration. 

33. [Nebula] Provide the Nebula password reminder on login page of web GUI.  

34. [Nebula] Nebula Switch supports SSH connection to access command line for advanced features. 

Bug Fix

C=Cloud mode, S=Standalone mode

Bug fixCS
1. [eITS#230800182] Fixed open source packages related vulnerabilities. [CVE-2016-0799][CVE-2016-2177] [CVE-2016-2182][CVE-2016-2842] [CVE-2016-0797][CVE-2016-2105] [CVE-2016-2106][CVE-2016-2109] [CVE-2021-23840][CVE-2021-3712] [CVE-2016-6306][CVE-2017-3735] [CVE-2017-3737][CVE-2018-0739] [CVE-2019-1547][CVE-2021-23841] [CVE-2016-0701][CVE-2019-1563]VV
2. Fixed time range not work in v4.90 patch 0.-V
3. [eITS#231201249] Fixed configure DHCPv6 client may cause switch crash-V
4. [eITS#240200888] Switch crashes because the length of assigned IPv6 address is too long-V
5. [eITS#220900092] Fixed OpenSSH related vulnerabilities. [CVE-2010-5107][CVE- 2015-5600][CVE-2016-6515].VV
6. [eITS#221101240] Fix recording syslog may cause memory leak.VV
7. [eITS#221101132] After restoring config via SFTP may cause fail due to syntax error.VV
8. [eITS#221201201] Getting logging information that contains special characters causes switch hang.VV
9. [eITS#230301330] Fixed failing to import certificate while the file size is over 5k.-V
10. [eITS#230400140] Fixed switch crashed issues that is caused by Nessus version 10.5.1 to scan SSH.VV
11. [eITS#230500677] Fixed timer unexpected goes slowly after lots of STP topology change occur.VV
12. [eITS#230500705][eITS#230901020] Switch sometime disconnect with NCC when DNS requery find server IP has changed.V-
13. [eITS#230700521] Fix crash issue which V receiving an unexpected format DHCP V packet when device enable DHCP snooping.V-
14. [eITS#230801140] Fix the crash when enable IPv6 and receiving an IPv6 NA packet.-V
15. [eITS#231001905] After switch crash, switch cannot successfully reboot.VV
16. [eITS#221200596] Fixed the issue where the switch fails to process NTP packets, causing incorrect timing and not being able to show device status on NCC.V-

Please refer to the Download Link for more details.

Zyxel Melen