[ATP/FLEX] How to check alert event on the Nebula when you got an alert mail from the SecuReporter?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,306  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Scenario :

The user may get an alert mail from the SeCuReporter but doesn't know how to check the detailed event on the SecuReporter and Nebula, this article will guide you on how to check it.

Answer :

Please navigate the SecuReporter path History > Alert.

Then find the corresponding alert log.

Click on the alert to view detailed information, such as the IPS log event shown below:

If the user wishes to check the event log on the Nebula, please navigate to Site-wide > Monitor > Firewall > Event Log and set the historical time to retrieve the corresponding log.