SecuReporter Trial Activation Walkthrough

Zyxel_Forum_Admin Posts: 125  Admin
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Step 1: myZyxel Portal


Make sure your USG/ATP device is registered at myZyxel 2.0 and that firmware is updated to ZLD 4.32 or above

I.         Open browser to

II.       Login or register a myZyxel 2.0 account.


III.      Go to Devices Management > General, select the device (by MAC address) that you’d like to active the trial.

IV.    Go the Device Management> My Device> Link Service to click SecuReporter “Details”

and then click “Activate” Trial


Step2: Device Web GUI


Login to USG/ATP device web GUI, go to CONFIGURATION > Licensing > Registration > Service

I. Press Service License Refresh to sync the license, ensure that your SecuReporter service is Activated.

II. On device web GUI, go to CONFIGURATION > Cloud CNM > SecuReporter to enable the SecuReporter and send the traffic log to SecuReporter server.


Please tick ‘Include Traffic Log’ for traffic usage analysis, if you do not tick this box, you will not see traffic usage analysis on SecuReporter.

Please go to STEP3 to complete setup on SecuReporter. Once SecuReporter setting portion is finished, you can see analysis on SecuReporter.


Step3: SecuReporter Web Portal


I.         Open browser to

II.       Login to myZyxel 2.0 account.

Create an Organization

III.      Go to SecuReporter > Setting > Organization & Devices

IV.    Press “Add Organization” to create an Organization

V.      Press the Unclaimed Device on the Organization to create Site

VI.    You will see all the devices which you can put into this organization, choose the one that has SecuReporter license on it, and press “Add”.

VII.   Fill in the Site name

VIII. Read the Data Protection Policy and choose the one you prefer and press “Save”.

IX.     Once you’ve added device into SecuReporter, you can now choose the device for each organization and site.



For further detailed guide, please refer to SecuReporter Help> Online documents >User Guide