[ATP/FLEX] We have problems with VPN l2tp over ipsec on mac device.

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,285  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited March 2024 in VPN

Scenario :

Users may encounter a situation which they successfully establish an L2TP VPN
connection using an Apple Mac device, but cannot ping or access the intranet
hosts of the peer site. This article will guide you on how to resolve this issue.

L2TP VPN server related settings on the Nebula:

The Mac device successfully connects to the L2TP server but cannot ping or access the intranet hosts of the peer site.

Answer :

The possible reason is that if the user configures the L2TP VPN connection setting
with the VPN tunnel in split tunnel mode by default, not all traffic will pass
through the L2TP VPN tunnel. Users need to enable the option "allow all
traffic to pass through the VPN tunnel" in order to ping or access the
intranet hosts of the peer site.

Please refer to below steps :

STEP1. Navigate to System Settings > VPN > Click the VPN profile and edit it.


Ensure the server address is a public IP or Nebula remote VPN DNS name, please don't use the DDNS name in case there are any unexpected routing issues.

Enable "Send all traffic over VPN connection"

STEP3. Establish the L2TP VPN connection.

STEP4. Access the peer site's intranet host. For example, if there is a Web Server at on the peer's intranet, use the browser to access it through

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