Zywall 110 VPN configuration

Makoha Posts: 1  Freshman Member
Fifth Anniversary
edited April 2021 in Security
I need to make site2site vpn connection with 2 public ip addresses. Remote client want`s public ip 1 is vpn gateway address and localnetwork should show public ip 2. How to configure that routing goes right.

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  • Ian31
    Ian31 Posts: 174  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    If the public ip 2 is your wan interface ip. Here the brief steps,
    1. Create a virtual interface wan:1 with the public ip 1 first.
    2. Create an address object for public ip 1
    3. Create a policy route for vpn client that translate vpn client's source IP address to public ip 1.
    (put it as the first policy route)
    - source: vpn client ip pool
    - destination: any
    - next-hop: interface, wan
    - address translation:  address object of public ip 1