Can't get DDNS Certificate to work with SecuExtender VPN Client

PeterUK Posts: 3,491  Guru Member
100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

USG FLEX 200 V5.37(ABUI.2)

SecuExtender VPN Client_IPSec_SSL_VPN_7.7.40.019

I have a Certificate for and for testing point at logs show it built but then disconnects

But if I make a self-signed Certificate it works

If I drop the encryption for windows default that can be changed

Phase 1 3DES/SHA1 DH2

Phase 2 AES256/SHA1 PFS none

Import my Certificate setup too windows VPN built in Client that works so why can't the SecuExtender VPN Client_IPSec? I think Its got something to do with intermediate Certification authorities that the SecuExtender VPN Client does not have? I tried exporting that to SecuExtender VPN Client but it didn't work.

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