Flex 200H 1.20FW Rebooting

Matthew Posts: 9  Freshman Member
First Answer Third Anniversary Friend Collector First Comment

We have a Flex 200H at a customer site. After upgrading from 1.10.1 to 1.20.0 we are seeing the router frequently reboot. Have not been able to find anything useful in logs. The CPU seems to be running high continuously (Core 1 & 2: avg 60-75% continuously). Cores 3 & 4 are nearly idle. Navigating through the device is often slow and it randomly kicks us out and makes us log back in.

We're about to roll back to FW 1.10.1. Is anyone else seeing similar behavior?

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  • DanniKool
    DanniKool Posts: 30  Freshman Member
    Sixth Anniversary First Answer 10 Comments

    I saw the same CPU core 1 and 2 running high, very high up to 97-98% with site-to-site VPN's active. Very slow internet speed. As soon as i turned VPN connections off, the CPU usage dropped to around 30-40% and i got full internet speed. After running firmware 1.20 for about 2 hours, i rolled back the firmware to 1.10.1