Uptime and get-device-config on login

PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector

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  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,020 ✭✭✭✭✭
    Community MVP First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector
    edited June 7

    happened again

  • kruess
    kruess Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer
    edited June 12

    Same behaviour here on a 100H with Error code 20001, 20002 or 20003.

    Prior to this, we tried to disable some expired security services and got an "invalid version" error when trying to save the simplest config change on the respective service. Maybe it's related with the 'get-device-config' error, maybe not…

    Still "H" series is a short for "Headache"!!! 😬

  • kruess
    kruess Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Only a reboot, initiated through SSH was fixing this behaviour.

  • kruess
    kruess Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    Still happens with firmware 1.20-2… 😬

  • kruess
    kruess Posts: 14  Freshman Member
    First Anniversary 10 Comments Friend Collector First Answer

    And again a hanging Web GUI on 100H. The error code seems to count +1 for each login attempt (20001, then 20002, etc).

    This early "H" series launch is killing Zyxel reputation quickly… 💩