usg40 to usg flex 100: problem applying converted configuration file

copossum Posts: 13  Freshman Member
First Comment Third Anniversary

hi all,

I converted the configuration file from my USG40 to USG Flex 100 using the conversion tool at
The entry in "From" is USG40 (4.32 or later) and the entry in "To" is USGFLEX100 (4.60)
The conversion runs without a problem and I upload the converted file to my new USG 100 Flex.

When I apply the converted file I get the following error message:
ERROR: #configure terminal interface _ppp sfp_ppp bind wan1, System default ppp interface can not bind with other ethernet interface.

Before the error there are also a couple of warnings in the log:

WARNING: #configure terminal account pppoe OPT_PPPoE_ACCOUNT exit, Please type user.
WARNING: #configure terminal account pppoe WAN_PPPoE_ACCOUNT exit, Please type user.

What could be the problem?


All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,637  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    You may have to use “Ignore errors and finish applying the configuration file” then check over the configuration

  • copossum
    copossum Posts: 13  Freshman Member
    First Comment Third Anniversary

    thank you, I tried that. the device tries to apply the config file for hours, but in the end it doesn't and is not reachable anymore afterwards.

    I have to reset it to access it .
