web sites issues

Eggers_it Posts: 2  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector
edited April 2021 in Security
Hi there, I've changed my old usg40 with an atp200, using very basic rules.
Since I've swapped my firewall, I'm unable to access wordpress editor on some sites.
It's a great issue, since we work on creating sites.
Do anyone know what could has been changed?
Thanks in advance.

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Charlie
    Zyxel_Charlie Posts: 1,034  Zyxel Employee
    50 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
    Regarding this case,
    can you disable firewall and see the site can be accessed or not?
    If after disabled, the site can be accessed, you should check UTM profile for each rule which may block session to wordpress site.
  • Eggers_it
    Eggers_it Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    thank you for your answer.
    While my Zywall is disabled, the three sites I'm having issues with are all accessible.
    I'll try to check the UTM profile, as You suggested. Thank you.