Masking VPN source address

pck Posts: 2  Freshman Member
First Comment
edited April 2021 in Security

I have 2 USG40 that connects site A ( with site B ( with IPSec VPN. Site A has a server ( that connects to site B server ( The server of site A start a TCP connection to Server B that is in listening mode. For security reasons we like to configure Server B to accept connection that has source address of local network ( The question is if is possible to mask server A source address ( in VPN on Site B in order to behave as local host of Site B? The USG LAN IP at Site A is and USG LAN IP on Site B is   

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  • Ian31
    Ian31 Posts: 174  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    edited March 2019
    I think it's not possible.

  • pck
    pck Posts: 2  Freshman Member
    First Comment
    edited March 2019

    Many thanks for the reply. After lot of testing I found a solution that is working. At site B, I activate the Source NAT at phase 2 with source (Site A Subnet, Destination (Site B Subnet and SNAT (Site B LAN IP This is working but if you go to Monitor -> System Status -> Session Monitor at Site B the source address remains at the original ( :)  

  • Ian31
    Ian31 Posts: 174  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Sixth Anniversary
    You should capture packet on Site B server to check if the source IP changed ti

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