USG Flex 50 AX Enterprise Wifi with internal AP and internal Radius

moe5k Posts: 11  Freshman Member
Friend Collector First Comment


i tried to configure an enterprise wifi-access while using a USG FLEX 50AX built in AP and the internal radius server. As far as i use "Enterpise" instead of "Personal" and PSK..
the SSID disappears and is not connectable. All tut for this subject always used external AP. Is it possible to configure this in my setup?


All Replies

  • Zyxel_Kay
    Zyxel_Kay Posts: 898  Zyxel Employee
    Second Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Answers Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @moe5k

    To set up a WPA2-Enterprise WiFi network using the built-in AP on your USG FLEX 50AX and its local server, please follow these steps:

    1. Create the User:
      Navigate to Object > User/Group and create the user.
    2. Create the Authentication Method:
      Go to Object > Auth.Method and set up the authentication method.
    3. Set Up the SSID Profile:
      Configure an SSID profile on your built-in AP with WPA2-Enterprise security. Ensure you select the authentication method you created in step 2 under the WPA2-Enterprise security mode.

    Please check if the above instructions work for you. If the SSID still disappears or is not connectable, please provide us the following information:

    1. Your device firmware version
    2. Your device configuration file (startup-config.conf)
    3. Whether all your end devices cannot find the SSID or if it's just specific devices. If it's specific devices, please share the device models and their OS versions.

    This will help us gain a clearer insight into your current setup and situation.


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  • moe5k
    moe5k Posts: 11  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Comment

    Thx for explain!
    I will try it this way, but i think did already like this.
    I guess i can also use a group instead of a single user and define the groupname as Auth-Method?

    Will give you feedback next week.

  • moe5k
    moe5k Posts: 11  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Comment

    Hi again,

    i tested the configuration but it was the same as i tried before.
    I tested with a single user and with a group as Auth-Method without success.
    I will send you the startup-config.conf as personal message.
    No device can "see" the SSID of the Enterprise-WiFi.

    best, moe

  • Zyxel_Kay
    Zyxel_Kay Posts: 898  Zyxel Employee
    Second Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Answers Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @moe5k

    Upon reviewing your configuration and replicating it at our site, we have identified a bug with the WPA-Enterprise security option for the USG FLEX 50AX built-in AP. Our team is currently working on a fix, which will require thorough testing. We anticipate resolving this issue in the next firmware release, expected around December.

    In the meantime, we recommend using WPA-Personal as your WiFi security option.

    We apologize for any inconvenience this may cause.


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  • moe5k
    moe5k Posts: 11  Freshman Member
    Friend Collector First Comment

    i have seen there ist the firmware ZLD5.39 out now.
    I did not updated yet but i guess the changes you wrote about are not already included there?
    At least there is no notice about this in the changelog…


  • Zyxel_Kay
    Zyxel_Kay Posts: 898  Zyxel Employee
    Second Anniversary 500 Comments 100 Answers Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 2 - Security

    Hi @moe5k

    We apologize for any inconvinience caused.

    The issue you reported has not yet been resolved in the current version (V5.39). The fix has been postponed and is now planned for inclusion in the upcoming firmware release (V5.40), which is scheduled for Q1 2025. In the meantime, if you need to set up an internal AP on your USG FLEX 50AX, please temporarily use WPA-Personal as your SSID security option.

    To ensure optimal performance of your firewall, we recommend upgrading to the latest firmware version.


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