NebulaFlex Switch GS2220 Series - V4.80 Patch 1 Firmware Release

Zyxel_Melen Posts: 3,069  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
edited January 13 in Switch New Release

Zyxel Switch GS2220 Series Release Note 

July 2024

Firmware Version on all models

(Click Hyperlink to download the firmware directly)

Zyxel GS2220-10 - V4.80(ABRO.1)C0

Zyxel GS2220-10HP - V4.80(ABRP.1)C0

Zyxel GS2220-24 - V4.80(ABRQ.1)C0

Zyxel GS2220-28HP - V4.80(ABRR.1)C0

Zyxel GS2220-50 - V4.80(ABRS.1)C0

Zyxel GS2220-50HP - V4.80(ABRT.1)C0

New Feature and Enhancements

1. [Nebula] Enhance the cloud auto recovery mechanism to prevent the device from being locked when the connection is unstable. 

2. [Standalone] Enhance security by forcing users to change the password after first login. 

3. [Standalone] Expand NTP servers from 1 to 3. 

4. [Standalone, Nebula] Enhance security by supporting the ECDSA algorithm in SSH.

Bug Fix

C=Cloud mode, S=Standalone mode

Bug fixCS
1. [Vulnerability] Fixed crash issue when receive an unexpected HTTPs request content. Bug fix Nebula StandaloneVV
2. [eITS #221201201] Getting logging information that contains special characters causes switch hang.VV
3. [eITS #230301533] Fixed reading mib zyxelIpsgInfoTable fail.VV
4. [eITS #230301330] Fixed failing to import certificate while the file size is over 5k-V
5. [eITS #230400140] Fixed switch crashed issues that is caused by Nessus version 10.5.1 to scan SSH.VV
6. [eITS #230400154] Fixed failing to delete inactive classifiers even though they are not bound to any policies.-V
7. [eITS #230500677] Fixed timer unexpected goes slowly after lots of STP topology change occur.VV
8. [eITS #230500705] [eITS #230901020] Switch sometime disconnect with NCC when DNS requery find server IP has changed.V-
9. [Forum] Fix incorrect swif0 interface counter in standard IfEntry MIB.VV
10. [eITS# 230700521] Fix crash issue which receiving a unexpected format DHCP packet when device enable DHCP snooping.VV
11. [eITS #230801140] Fix the crash when enable IPv6 and receiving an IPv6 NA packet.-V
12. [eITS #231001888] Fixed fail to add policy rule issue when binding the second classifier containing the same socket range as the first one.-V
13. [eITS#231201249] Fixed switch may reboot automatically when receiving IPv6 packets.-V
14. [eITS#240200888] The switch crashes due to field length limitation when the index button at IPv6 table is clicked.-V
15. [eITS#230900573] Fixed an issue causing the switch to repeatedly switch from standalone mode to cloud mode leading to switch offline.V-
16. [eITS#240301159] IPv6 traffic drop or has high latency due to ACL trap the traffic. Bug fix Nebula StandaloneVV
17. [eITS #240201138 ]Fixed an error caused by changing VLAN port settings after adjusting Voice VLAN ID.VV
18. [eITS #240301821] Restore wrong type of configuration without displaying an error message-V
19. [eITS #240500205] Switch hang when click PD "Reset" via Neighbor page-V

Please refer to the Download Link for more details.

Zyxel Melen