[2024 July Tips & Tricks] Explore How to Unleash High-Speed WiFi with USG LITE 60AX

Zyxel_JudyH Posts: 35  Zyxel Employee
Zyxel Certified Sales Associate First Comment Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited November 2024 in Security Highlight

Enable 160 Mhz to Experience Blazingly Fast WiFi Speed

By turning on wider channels, the USG LITE 60AX can achieve higher WiFi data rates, enabling faster wireless speeds and improved performance for high-bandwidth applications like video streaming, gaming, and large file transfers. It also improves the WiFi experience by reducing latency and accelerating response time, improving the overall quality of service for demanding applications.

However, there are consequences when using 160 MHz channel width in 5 GHz. They are:

● Increased Interference: wider channels are more susceptible to interference from other WiFi networks and non-WiFi devices, potentially degrading performance.

● Limited Channel Availability: the 5 GHz spectrum has a limited number of non-overlapping channels, and using wider channels reduces the number of available channels, increasing the likelihood of channel congestion.

● Reduced Range: wider channels often result in reduced range due to higher attenuation, meaning the effective coverage area may be smaller compared to narrower channels.

As a result, using 160 MHz in 5G is only recommended for clean environments like a home or any other area with a low number of wireless devices. USG LITE 60AX comes with 80 MHz as the default setting, to ensure a stable WiFi experience in all environments.

How to enable 160 MHz in USG LITE 60AX?

To turn on 160 MHz:

1. Access to Site-wide > Configure > Security router > Radio settings, then scroll down to the bottom of the page then you will see:

2. Switch to 5 GHz, then select your USG LITE 60AX, then click it to enter the edit page:

3. In the channel width, select 160 MHz in the drop-down list, then click “Update”:

4. Click “Save” to apply the new setting:

If you encounter a degraded WiFi experience, please remember to roll back the channel width setting back to 80 Mhz.