Why does an SF_CB_IP-related security policy appear in the event log?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,298  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary
edited September 2024 in Security Service

Question :

Why is there an SF_CB_IP-related security policy event log? For instance, the source IP was blocked by the security policy"SF_CB_10.10.123.33".

However, there is no security policy called "SF_CB_10.10.123.33".

Answer :

The event log message 'SF_CB' stands for Security Firewall_Client Block. The reason why IP was blocked by the 'SF_CB_10.10.123.33' rule is that the user added the client to the Block List. The user can navigate to Site-wide > Clients > Show policy clients to verify this.

If the user wants to allow the client to access the internet again, they can change the client's status to 'Normal.