Why can't you establish an SSL VPN connection with the USG Flex H models?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,286  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Question :

Why can't you establish an SSL VPN connection with the USG Flex H models, and why are there "Match default rule DROP" log messages?

Answer :

The possible reason is that the SSL VPN service port is not allowed from the WAN to Device security policy. For example, the Server port of the SSL VPN is 10443.

The user should add a server object for 10443, as shown below:

Add the SSL VPN service object to the service group Default_Allow_WAN_To_AyWALL.

The SSL VPN service port was successfully added to the service port group.

Once this is done, the SSL VPN connection should be established successfully.

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