Old Zywall USG 100 DNS inspection feature

old_Z Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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Hello… I have an old Zywall USG 100 working flawlessly for 15 years. Yes I know it's end-of-life with all licenses expired… but it still works :)

Can someone help me enable its DNS Inspection feature?

For example, I have set it up to catch DNS requests for www.printables.com website. This site's IP is whitelisted in 'test' address object. So this domain should resolve to the proper IP? But I still get, why?

Maybe this is a licensing problem, since this feature was added in late firmwares (3.30 i believe) when the licenses have already expired…

I would really appreciate if someone could help me fix this.

All Replies

  • High_Speed_Rail
    High_Speed_Rail Posts: 3  Freshman Member
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    I haven't configured anything in DNS Inspection, and the domain www.printables.com resolves to IP address Try disabling DNS Inspection to see if this resolves the issue.

  • old_Z
    old_Z Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment

    Hello, thanks for your quick reply! Maybe I have misconfigured something?
    I want to use DNS inspection but I don't know how to use the whitelist feature. Please look at this:

    • The 'example.com' IP is on whitelist; but I still get when I query the DNS.

    So DNS inspection works - it catches the DNS queries. But I can't use the whitelist. Have I configured this correctly?

    When I disable DNS inspection I get the right IP for this 'example.com'