Adventure 2: Uncover the WiFi Network Case – OPEN NOW!

Zyxel_Claudia Posts: 126  Zyxel Employee
Network Detective-New Adventure Badge Network Detective Badge First Comment Friend Collector

The Great WiFi Expedition

Greetings, case explorers!

Following the excitement of our Switch adventure, we’re thrilled to announce Adventure 2: Uncover the WiFi Network Case is now open on your treasure map!

Your detective skills will be crucial in overcoming connectivity challenges and unveiling the secrets of weak signals. Every discovery will be a stepping stone towards resolving the networking errors.

Collaborate with fellow case explorers, share your observations, brainstorm solutions below, and let’s work together to restore connectivity! 💡📶

Onward to discovery, savvy case explorers!


  • Zyxel_Claudia
    Zyxel_Claudia Posts: 126  Zyxel Employee
    Network Detective-New Adventure Badge Network Detective Badge First Comment Friend Collector
    edited November 2024

    Do you know the packet flow and content during RADIUS WiFi authentication? 

    After receiving WiFi client’s access request, the Access Point initiates an Access Request by sending a packet to the RADIUS server.

    A very important point in this packet is that the destination port (which is used by the RADIUS Server) is 1812.

    After going through a series of authentication processes, if the WiFi client enters the correct credentials, the server will eventually respond to the AP with an Access Accept message.

    Upon receiving this message, the AP will grant the client's WiFi access.

     Stay on the trail, case explorers!


    Adriana Zones

    Zyxel’s Chief Network Archaeologist