DNS management

IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
edited 2021 14 in Security

We recently had a problem with the local DNS in the USG40w. 
Computer were not able to resolv local and external names even after many reboots. 
At the end, I was able to fix it by adding a main Zone Forwarder, removing the one forwarding to and adding one to and then it unlock the situation straight forward. 
I would like to know how we can manage the DNS server on that router, is it possible to restart it manually ? to check his status ? 
Also, I noticed a 
Domain Zone Forwarder, type Default which I cannot modify, or delete.. Is it normal ? I couln't find anything in the documentation regarding this issue. 



All Replies

  • Zyxel_Stanley
    Zyxel_Stanley Posts: 1,386  Zyxel Employee
    100 Answers 1000 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    Hi @IT_Field_Support  

    Which firmware is working on your USG?

    The “Default DNS" is offered by DHCP server or ISP after connected to PPPoE.

    As your screenshot, there is no DNS IP offered to this USG.

    If you would like to check DNS status, you can use CLI command to check if "named" still exist in processing list.

    Router# debug system ps

  • IT_Field_Support
    IT_Field_Support Posts: 97  Ally Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Fifth Anniversary
    Great, will try that ! 
