How can I establish an SSL VPN connection with the USG Flex H models using SecuExtender?

Zyxel_Jeff Posts: 1,306  Zyxel Employee
100 Answers 500 Comments Friend Collector Fourth Anniversary

Scenario :

This article will guide you on how to configure an SSL VPN connection with the SecuExtender VPN client.

Answer :

The following verification steps were performed using the USG Flex 200HP with V1.30P1 and the SecuExtender VPN client with V7.7.50.008.

Please navigate to VPN > SSL VPN > to configure the Incoming Interface, Clients will use VPN to access, Client Network, Authentication relative information.

Open the SecuExtender VPN client and navigate to the GUI path: Configuration > Get from the Server.

Enter the Gateway Address, Login VPN user account, and its password.

Retrieve the provisioning file from the gateway successfully.

Enter the Login VPN user account and its password on the Extra Authentication.

Right-click to open the SSL VPN tunnel.

Establish the SSL VPN successfully.

How to verify the result?

Navigate to the USG Flex H GUI path: VPN Status > SSL VPN > Remote Access VPN, you will find that the SSL VPN connection has been established.
