Incredible things and where to find them - All VLAN interfaces were broken

Mk88_it Posts: 44  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

Following i'll tell my bad story…

I have a Flex500H and under Network Interfaces - interface - general I see these two items eth101 and eth102

Under Network - Interface - advanced settings - general there is nothing instead

So, my (BAD) idea was: I can try to recreate these interfaces end then delete them to remove the orphaned entries.

And so.. I did, but after the Zywall's confirmation message, ALL the VLAN interfaces were broken!

I rebooted the device and finally I opened every VLAN interface (both enxternal and internal), changed the description simply adding one character, and this has solved the situation and all VLAN came back to life……

What's going on?! Please give me an explanation…

All Replies

  • ostridge
    ostridge Posts: 3  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector First Anniversary

    I don't have flax but if you create a backup file from the maintenance>backup … Then search thro the settings for such as 'ethernet' or 'vlan' or 'interface' if you get the idea.

  • Mk88_it
    Mk88_it Posts: 44  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    Yes, there are present in the config file, but the question is: how can I manage them from the gui?

    And, why does zywall allow me to recreate them from the gui if they are already present in the config?

    Moreover, why did this operation break all my vlan interfaces?!

    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" "mtu" "1500"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" "enabled" "true"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" "type" "general"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" default-snat "enabled" "true"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "enabled" "false"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "method" "icmp"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "port" "1"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "period" "30"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "timeout" "5"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "fail-tolerance" "5"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ping-check "probe-condition" "any"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ipv4 "enabled" "true"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ipv4 dhcp "enabled" "false"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ipv4 dhcp "retry" "300"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth102" ports "p2"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" "mtu" "1500"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" "enabled" "true"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" "type" "general"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" default-snat "enabled" "true"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "enabled" "false"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "method" "icmp"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "port" "1"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "period" "30"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "timeout" "5"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "fail-tolerance" "5"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ping-check "probe-condition" "any"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ipv4 "enabled" "true"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ipv4 dhcp "enabled" "false"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ipv4 dhcp "retry" "300"
    / vrf "main" interface ethernet "eth101" ports "p1"

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,581  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited January 23

    Might be only be to do with your model?

  • Mk88_it
    Mk88_it Posts: 44  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    yes, maybe…i'm waiting answare from zyx staff…

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,775  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate
    edited January 24

    Hi @Mk88_it,

    This issue is because you can't configure "eth101" or "eth102" as the interface name. Is it possible for you to rename the interfaces? For example, "eth_101" is working on my side.

    Zyxel Melen

  • Mk88_it
    Mk88_it Posts: 44  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector Second Anniversary

    @Zyxel_Melen thank you for the answer . As i wrote in my first post, i can do nothing for these interfaces because i don't see them under "Network - Interface - advanced settings - general"

    Especially because i never created them in the first place

    I see them ONLY under Network Status - interface - general and in the configuration file

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,775  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hi @Mk88_it,

    So these two interfaces were created before? If so, I will ask our engineer to help generate the correct configuration file for you to upload. Could you share the configuration file with me? I will send you a private message for the request.

    If not, I will also send you a configuration file without these interfaces.

    Zyxel Melen