I have a question about an IPSEC with VTI.

lvdk Posts: 5  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector
edited January 28 in Security

I have a question about an IPSEC with VTI.

I have two routers (USG FLEX 700H AND USG FLEX 500) with dual wan

I have made an IPSEC from ROUTER-1 WAN 1 to ROUTER-2 WAN 1
I have made an IPSEC from ROUTER-1 WAN 2 to ROUTER-2 WAN 2

Remote LAN Router 1:
Remote LAN Router 2:

Router 1:
VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):
VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

Router 2:
VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):
VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

The tunnels are online. The VTI is also working. I can do a PING from client to the other subnet.

Now the question: If I turn on Connectivity Check to remote VTI address or to remote subnet address, the VTI goes dead.

The intention is that if the first IPSEC goes offline, there is an automatic failover to the 2nd IPSEC.

How can I get that working?

Accepted Solution

  • valerio_vanni
    valerio_vanni Posts: 152  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Router 1:
    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):
    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    Router 2:
    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):
    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    Your VTIs are Router1-WAN1 <> Router2-WAN1 and Router1-WAN2 <> Router2-WAN2?

    If you set

    Router 1:

    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):

    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    Router 2:

    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):

    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    and point connectivity check on the other side, does it fails?

All Replies

  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,645  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary

    So the ping check is on FLEX 500 due to 700H not having this yet

    So for the ping to work the IP you should ping the IP in VPN settings at the bottom VTI Setting Local IP with a firewall rule From zone of your VTI to Zywall

  • lvdk
    lvdk Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    I don't think that is possible in the VPN settings. When using a VTI tunnel, the 'Connectivity Check' option is not visible. It is only available for the 'Site-to-Site' option, but I am using the 'VPN Tunnel Interface' option.

    If I activate the Connectivity Check on the VTI, the VTI goes down. When I check the log on the remote router, I don’t see any message about ping blocking.

  • valerio_vanni
    valerio_vanni Posts: 152  Master Member
    5 Answers First Comment Friend Collector Third Anniversary
    Answer ✓

    Router 1:
    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):
    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    Router 2:
    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):
    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    Your VTIs are Router1-WAN1 <> Router2-WAN1 and Router1-WAN2 <> Router2-WAN2?

    If you set

    Router 1:

    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):

    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    Router 2:

    VTI1(via IPSEC via WAN1):

    VTI2(via IPSEC via WAN2):

    and point connectivity check on the other side, does it fails?

  • lvdk
    lvdk Posts: 5  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector

    Yes, this works. Great. Thanks for the help!