Secu Extender Snapdragon

Hackepeter4711 Posts: 2  Freshman Member


I have tried to install secuextender on a surface laptop 7th. The processor is a Snapdragon ARM. The installation goes through, but secuextender does not open. I suspect it is due to the ARM processor. Does anyone have similar problems or is there a solution?

The helper service is started. The user log shows the following:

[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][DETAIL] Build Datetime: Jan 25 2021/13:07:58
[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG] SecuExtender.log: C:\Users\…\SecuExtender.log
[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][DEBUG] osvi.dwPlatformId = 2, osvi.dwMajorVersion = 6, osvi.dwMinorVersion = 2
[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][WARN] (SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Configuration) name (ComponentId) error(2).
[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][WARN] Failed to open register SYSTEM\CurrentControlSet\Control\Class{4D36E972-E325-11CE-BFC1-08002BE10318}\Properties, error 5
[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][ERROR] Failed to enum regedit. (0x0)
[ 2025/01/30 17:22:39 ][SecuExtender Agent][INFO] Get XtenderPipe stop event

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