Create policy rules VPN Access for different Geolocations

nielsscheldeman Posts: 65  Ally Member
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A client has 2 IPSEC VPN USers: 1 works from Belgium, other 1 from USA

He wants the useraccounts only to work from their own region.

So I create 2 policy rules

WAN → ZyWALL, IPv4 source GEO_BELGIUM, Service IKE and User: belgium ext-group-user(AD User!)

WAN → ZyWALL, IPv4 Source, GEO_USA, Service IKE and User: USA ext-group-User(als AD User)

As soon as I specify the rules on user level, VPN doesn't work anymore. How can I make this split happen? Reason is, we have 10 Belgium VPN users and 1 USA, but we don't want all the accounts to be able to log in from USA to minimize the chanse on account compromising.

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