Can We Influence Client Routing Behavior With Zyxel L2TP or Other VPN?

Painted_Turtle Posts: 5  Freshman Member
Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - WLAN Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Security Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula

Back in the day, when Apple had a server product, a number of my clients used its L2TP VPN feature. One of the features of this product was the ability to provide routing configuration information to the VPN clients, telling them which traffic to send over the VPN and which to send via the normal ISP.

Is anything like this supported with the Zyxel L2TP or other Zyxel VPNs? If so, where would we find more information on how to do this?

I was able to find an old screen shot of the Apple “Routes” configuration GUI for their L2TP VPN. As I recall, this kind of configuration would tell the VPN client computers to send all traffic for the network over the VPN, while the second entry sends all remaining traffic via the normal ISP.

An excerpt from Apple’s old documentation for this service says, “By using network routing definitions, you can choose whether to route data from VPN clients to an address group through the VPN tunnel (referred to as private) or over the VPN user’s ISP connection (referred to as public).

For example, you can have all VPN client traffic that goes to the LAN IP address range go through the secure tunnel to the LAN, but make all traffic to other addresses be routed through the user’s normal, unsecured Internet connection.”

Thanks in advance for any help

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