redirecting http

Danee Posts: 6  Freshman Member
First Comment Friend Collector


I have a webserver behind a zyxel 200H (frimware: V1.30) and I cant reach its website with its domain name/url, and instead of the website all I get is the zyxel 200H login screen.

I looked up the problem, and I should find a "HTTP Redirect" instruction on
But on 200H I cannot find such as "Configuration > Network > Redirect Service "
or "Network > Redirect Service > Edit "

How can I reach the website and not the firewall with the website url?

All Replies

  • Zyxel_Melen
    Zyxel_Melen Posts: 2,907  Zyxel Employee
    Zyxel Certified Network Engineer Level 1 - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Switch Zyxel Certified Network Administrator - Nebula Zyxel Certified Sales Associate

    Hi @Danee,

    Please help to clarify:

    1. The direction of this issue is from the Internet to the web server's domain name?
    2. Is your NAT rule configured correctly?

    Also, you might need to consider changing the firewall HTTP port setting to avoid port conflict. The path is Menu > System > Settings > Administration Settings

    Zyxel Melen

  • Danee
    Danee Posts: 6  Freshman Member
    First Comment Friend Collector
    edited March 3
    1. on private IP alone: the website is not loaded from LAN,
      in http://192.168.X.X:80 format: it is redirected to the firewall login screen, to the public IP address,
      the format also redirecting the same way
      So website is not loaded from LAN with IP, and redirected from WAN with domain name to the firewall webgui
    2. NAT rule is:
      Classification: Virtual Server
      Incoming Interface: WAN
      Source IP: any
      External IP: INTERFACE IP, WAN
      Internal IP: (different domain ofc) with private IP
      Port Mapping Type: Service
      External Service: TCP80-80 (range)
      Internal Service: TCP80-80 (range)
    3. on System/Settings/Administration Settings:
      HTTP/HTTPS enabled, on default ports
      Changing the HTTP(S) ports would affect both the website and the firewall web GUI, wouldn't it?
  • PeterUK
    PeterUK Posts: 3,630  Guru Member
    100 Answers 2500 Comments Friend Collector Seventh Anniversary
    edited March 3

    I'm sure in earlier firmware versions I tested this and it was fine I check again….

    Edit update

    so testing here it works fine GUI is port 80


    Incoming Interface: ge2 WAN2

    External IP: INTERFACE IP, ge2

    Internal IP

    Port Mapping Type port

    Protocol Type TCP

    External Port 80

    Internal Port 80

    NAT Loopback off

    From my o2 > virginmedia > FLEX200H > HTTP server

    and tested with NAT Loopback on

    LAN to WAN IP of HTTP server > FLEX200H > HTTP server

    One thing you can try as I had it off is turn off "Redirect To HTTPS" for the GUI and reboot should not cause a problem but tried with it on without rebooting and was fine